06Dec 2019

Поштовани корисници, We inform you that by the end of January 2020. be a change in our service package, With the increase in speed of the Internet and changes in the Price List. Ваш Јотел.

12Nov 2019

Поштовани корисници, We inform you that on 13/11/19 a period of 00:00 до 06:00 times to come, due to works on the network, an interruption signal in the Nis, in the streets Branko Krsmanovic, Blagoja Parovića, Булевар Немањића, Strahinjića Bana, for users who use some of the optical package. Хвала на разумевању

28Oct,en 2019

Поштовани корисници, We inform you that on 29/10/19 a period of 00:00 до 06:00 times to come, due to works on the network, an interruption signal in the Nis, in settlements Niska Banja, Geneva, Никола Тесла, Суви До, Прва Кутина, Брзи Брод, for users who use some of the optical package. Хвала на разумевању

30Sep,en 2019

Поштовани корисници, We inform you that the day 01/10/19 a period of 00:00 до 06:00 hours, can come, due to works, an interruption signal in the Nis, except for the village Pantelej, Дурлан, Čalije and Pukovac, for users who use some of the optical package. Хвала на разумевању

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